Conferences / Workshops

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2014 2013 2012

Key: [Presenting author]

    Oral Presentation

  1. A. J. Naylor
  2. Battery electrolyte decomposition studied by photoelectron spectroscopy

    Ångström Electrochemistry Initiative Workshop: Electrochemistry at Central Facilities, October 2024, Uppsala, Sweden.

    Oral Presentation

  3. A. J. Naylor
  4. Energy-tuned XPS used to study battery interfaces

    Royce Industrial Showcase | Applications of Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES), October 2024, Manchester, UK.

  5. French-Swedish Research Day 2024: Batteries, October 2024, Uppsala, Sweden.

  6. Oral Presentation

  7. A. J. Naylor
  8. Overcoming interfacial challenges for non-flammable battery electrolytes

    NordBatt 2024, September 2024, Olso, Norway.

    Oral Presentation

  9. A. J. Naylor, G. Hernández
  10. Online teaching and life-long learning courses

    NordBatt 2024 Teaching Pre-Conference, September 2024, Olso, Norway.

  11. Morocco-Sweden Workshop on Lithium-Ion Batteries and Beyond, May 2024, Uppsala, Sweden.

  12. BASE Annual Meeting 2024, April 2024, Uppsala, Sweden.

  13. Invited

  14. SEC Cross-Theme Workshop: 'Milestones for Large-Scale Implementation of Electromobility', March 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden.

  15. BASE Workshop: Production from Practice Experience to Advanced Research, March 2024, Uppsala, Sweden.

  16. 2023

  17. BASE Workshop: Structural Batteries and Micro Batteries, December 2023, Online.

  18. STandUp Academy 2023, October 2023, Uppsala, Sweden.

  19. Invited
    Oral Presentation

  20. A. J. Naylor
  21. Addressing interfacial challenges in next-generation rechargeable batteries

    Solid-State Physics Division Seminar, Department of Materials Science, September 2023, Uppsala, Sweden.

    Oral Presentation

  22. A. J. Naylor, L. O. S. Colbin, J. Welch, F. Gebert, M. Longhini, F. Conti, R. Younesi
  23. Addressing interfacial challenges in next-generation rechargeable batteries

    74th Annual ISE Meeting, September 2023, Lyon, France.

    Oral Presentation

  24. A. J. Naylor
  25. Batteries

    SEC Summer School on Components and Systems for Electromobility, August 2023, Falkenberg, Sweden.

  26. BATTERY 2030+ Annual Conference, May 2023, Uppsala, Sweden.

  27. Invited
    Oral Presentation

  28. A. J. Naylor
  29. Ageing of batteries

    SEC Workshop on Perspectives on Ageing in Electromobility – Mechanisms, Models, and Mitigation, May 2023, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.

  30. SEC Workshop on Battery Fires, March 2023, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.

  31. 2022
    Oral Presentation

  32. A. J. Naylor
  33. Batteries

    Swedish Electromobility Centre Phd Network Autumn School, November 2022, Alingsås, Sweden.

    Oral Presentation

  34. A. J. Naylor
  35. Probing interfacial reactions in sustainable rechargeable batteries

    MoZEES Annual Meeting 2022, November 2022, Asker, Oslo, Norway.

    Poster Presentation

  36. R. Le Ruyet, J. Kullgren, A. J. Naylor, R. Younesi
  37. Ga-based alloys as self-healing anode materials

    Sodium Battery Symposium (SBS-3), September 2022, Berlin, Germany.

    Poster Presentation

  38. J. Welch, R. Mogensen, W. van Ekeren, A. J. Naylor, R. Younesi
  39. NaBOB in triethyl phosphate with additives – an electrolyte solution for Prussian white | hard carbon sodium ion batteries

    Sodium Battery Symposium (SBS-3), September 2022, Berlin, Germany.

    Poster Presentation

  40. R. Gond, L. O. S. Colbin, A. J. Naylor, R. Younesi
  41. Methyl acetate as an efficient co-solvent for improved sodium-ion batteries

    Sodium Battery Symposium (SBS-3), September 2022, Berlin, Germany.

    Poster Presentation

  42. L. O. S. Colbin, R. Mogensen, A. Buckel, A. J. Naylor, J. Kullgren, R. Younesi
  43. Sodium bis(oxalato) borate in triethyl phosphate, a lean fluorine-free electrolyte solution for sodium-ion batteries

    Sodium Battery Symposium (SBS-3), September 2022, Berlin, Germany.

    Oral Presentation

  44. A. J. Naylor
  45. Probing interfacial reactions in sustainable rechargeable batteries

    Seminar, September 2022, Oxford, UK.

    Oral Presentation

  46. A. J. Naylor
  47. Probing interfacial reactions in sustainable rechargeable batteries

    Center for X-rays in Swedish Materials Science, August 2022, Uppsala, Sweden.

    Oral Presentation

  48. R. Gond, H. D. Asfaw, K. Edström, O. Hosseinaei, A. J. Naylor, R. Younesi
  49. Water-soluble lignosulfonate binder for hard carbon anodes in sodium-ion battery

    32nd Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, June 2022, Stockholm, Sweden.

    Oral Presentation

  50. F. Gebert, A. J. Naylor
  51. A comparative study of state-of-the-art non-flammable liquid electrolytes

    32nd Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, June 2022, Stockholm, Sweden.

    Oral Presentation

  52. R. Le Ruyet, A. J. Naylor, R. Younesi
  53. Investigation of Ga-based liquid alloys as self-healing electrodes for Na-ion batteries

    32nd Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, June 2022, Stockholm, Sweden.

    Oral Presentation

  54. A. J. Naylor, I. Källquist, L. O. S. Colbin, M. Carboni, M. Hahlin, R. Younesi, K. Edström, D. Brandell
  55. Using hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to probe rechargeable battery interfaces

    The 9th International Conference on Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES 2022), June 2022, Himeji (Online), Japan.

  56. BASE (Batteries Sweden) Workshop: Batteries: Risks, Toxicology and Chemical Exposure, March 2022, Online.

  57. Invited
    Oral Presentation

  58. A. J. Naylor
  59. Probing interfaces and interphases in rechargeable batteries

    Seminar, March 2022, University of Giessen (Online), Germany.

  60. Battery 2030+ Excellence Seminar, Rosa Palacin: New non-lithium based battery technologies, January 2022, Online.

  61. 2021
    Oral Presentation

  62. R. Gond, H. Asfaw, O. Hosseinaei, K. Edström, R. Younesi, A. J. Naylor
  63. A water-soluble lignosulfonate binder for hard carbon anodes in sodium-ion batteries

    MRS Fall Meeting, December 2021, Online.

    Poster Presentation

  64. R. Le Ruyet, F. Mohimont, A. J. Naylor, R. Younesi
  65. Study of gallium-based liquid alloys as electrodes for Na-ion batteries

    MRS Fall Meeting, December 2021, Online.

  66. BASE (Batteries Sweden) Workshop on Safety, November 2021, Northvolt Labs, Västerås, Sweden.

  67. International Workshop on Sodium-Ion Batteries, November 2021, CIC energiGUNE, Spain, Online.

  68. BASE (Batteries Sweden) Workshop: Battery Chemistries - From Generation 3 to Generation 5, November 2021, Online.

  69. E-mobility Day 2021 (Swedish Electromobility Centre), October 2021, Uppsala, Sweden.

  70. Roads to the Future (Swedish Electromobility Centre), October 2021, Uppsala, Sweden.

  71. BASE (Batteries Sweden) Workshop: Labour Market, Education and Gender in the Battery Sector, October 2021, Online.

  72. Battery 2030+ Annual Meeting - Empowering Green Innovation, October 2021, Online.

  73. Swedish Electromobility Centre Seminar. Recycling of vehicle batteries, April 2021, Online.

  74. 2020

  75. Swedish Electromobility Centre Seminar. Mauritz Andersson: Electric flights with batteries – will that work?, December 2020, Online.

  76. STFC Network in Batteries & Electrochemical Energy Devices Webinar - Robert Weatherup: Looking below the surface: Probing battery interfaces in action, November 2020, Online.

  77. Invited
    Oral Presentation

  78. A. J. Naylor
  79. How could X-ray based battery research look in 2030?

    DESY PETRA IV workshop "Materials and Processes for Energy and Transport Technology", October 2020, Online (DESY, Hamburg).

  80. STFC Network in Batteries & Electrochemical Energy Devices Webinar. Donal Finegan: Understanding the limitations of fast charging Li-ion batteries, August 2020, Online.

  81. RSC Solid State Chemistry Group Webinar, August 2020, Online.

  82. Online Seminar. Stuart Cantrill: The Nature of Chemistry Publishing, June 2020, Online.

  83. Battery 2030+ Seminar: European Perspectives on Batteries of the Future, May 2020, Online.

  84. 2019
    Oral Presentation

  85. A. J. Naylor
  86. Energy storage: batteries

    Energy Transition Gotland Lunch Seminar, September 2019, Visby, Gotland, Sweden.

    Oral Presentation

  87. A. J. Naylor
  88. Effective methods for battery storage of solar electricity

    Sol-el 2019, September 2019, Stockholm, Sweden.

    Oral Presentation

  89. A. J. Naylor, J. Maibach, I. Källquist, E. Makkos, R. Younesi, M. R. Roberts, M. S. Islam, P. G. Bruce, M. Hahlin, D. Brandell, K. Edström
  90. Elucidating charge compensation and degradation mechanisms in lithium-ion battery cathode materials through photoelectron spectroscopy depth profiling

    EUROMAT 2019, September 2019, Stockholm, Sweden.

    Poster Presentation

  91. A. J. Naylor, E. Makkos, J. Maibach, R. Younesi, M. R. Roberts, M. S. Islam, P. G. Bruce, K. Edström
  92. Depth-dependent oxygen redox activity in Li1.2Ni0.2Mn0.6O2

    Gordon Research Conference/Seminar: Nanomaterials for Applications in Energy Technology, February 2019, Ventura Beach, CA, USA.

    Poster Presentation

  93. L. A. Ma, A. J. Naylor, R. Younesi
  94. Oxygen redox activity in Na0.67Ni0.25Mg0.05Mn0.7O2

    5th International Conference on Sodium Batteries, November 2018, Saint Malo, France.

    Poster Presentation

  95. M. Carboni, A. J. Naylor, M. Valvo, R. Younesi
  96. Graphite as an anode for K-ion batteries

    5th International Conference on Sodium Batteries, November 2018, Saint Malo, France.

    Oral Presentation

  97. A. J. Naylor, J. Maibach, I. Källquist, E. Makkos, M. R. Roberts, R. Younesi, M. Hahlin, D. Brandell, M. S. Islam, P. G. Bruce, K. Edström
  98. Energy-tuned photoelectron spectroscopy of lithium-ion battery cathodes: revealing oxygen redox activity and investigating new materials

    AiMES 2018: ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting, September 2018, Cancun, Mexico.

    Oral Presentation

  99. K. Edström, A. J. Naylor, C. Xu, B. Sun, J. Mindemark, D. Brandell, T. Gustafsson, H. Rensmo, M. Hahlin, B. Philippe, R. Younesi
  100. Spectroscopic studies of the electrode/electrolyte interfaces in lithium and sodium batteries

    The 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, September 2018, Bologna, Italy.

    Poster Presentation

  101. G. Hernández, A. J. Naylor, J. Mindemark, D. Brandell, K. Edström
  102. Non-fluorinated electrolytes for Si-based Li-ion battery anodes

    Circular Economy of Batteries Production and Recycling (CEB2018), September 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden.

    Oral Presentation

  103. M. Hahlin, I. Källquist, A. J. Naylor, D. Brandell, K. Edström
  104. Surface chemistry of Li2VO2F seen through photoelectron spectroscopy

    Electrochemistry 2018. Electrochemical Surface Science: From Fundamentals to Applications, September 2018, Ulm, Germany.


  105. Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy at PETRA III: New Possibilities at the Dedicated P22 Beamline, November 2017, DESY, Hamburg, Germany.

  106. STFC Early Career Researchers Conference, March 2017, Abingdon, UK.

  107. 2016

  108. 3rd Energy Materials Symposium, September 2016, Bath, UK.

  109. Protochips In-Situ Electron Microscopy Workshop, May 2016, Manchester, UK.

  110. STFC Early Career Researchers Conference, April 2016, Abingdon, UK.

  111. UK-Korea Symposium on Li and Na Batteries (Royal Society of Chemistry), January 2016, London, UK.

  112. 2014

  113. Rigaku 3rd European SmartLab Workshop, July 2014, Karlsruhe, Germany.

  114. 2013
    Oral Presentation

  115. A. J. Naylor, E. Koukharenko, I. S. Nandhakumar, N. M. White
  116. Electrodeposition of copper-doped n-type bismuth telluride-based thermoelectric nanomaterial

    Electrochem’ 2013, September 2013, Southampton, UK.

    Poster Presentation
    Award: 1st Place (Solid State)

  117. A. J. Naylor, E. Koukharenko, I. S. Nandhakumar, N. M. White
  118. Electrodeposition of copper/indium-doped n-type bismuth telluride-based thermoelectric nanomaterials

    The 223rd Electrochemical Society Meeting, May 2013, Toronto, Canada.

    Poster Presentation

  119. A. J. Naylor, E. Koukharenko, I. S. Nandhakumar, N. M. White
  120. Surfactant-mediated electrodeposition of bismuth telluride films and its effect on microstructural properties

    Electrochem’ 2012: Electrochemical Horizons, September 2012, Dublin, Ireland.